'Stories' are the wheel that turns the marketing world, creating business success or business failure. Marketers are well aware of this power to influence the buying habits of the masses. However, ´stories' , (our own and that of others), also influence our personal lives in ways just as subtle as those used by the marketing gurus. We live our lives through these 'stories'. In fact, they guide every action and decision we make.
What are these stories that have such influence on us? They are the 'story' we have about ourselves, the 'story' we have about others, and the 'story' they have about us.
This week, I was once again reminded of how much we all live in different worlds. It is a concept that can be difficult to grasp, because our own 'world' is so real to us. However, until we accept this fundamental truth, life and particularly relationships, can be much more challenging.
How often have you found yourself saying in frustration "How could they do that!!?" or " How could they think that!!!?"
The simple answer:
"Because they are not you."
This has been my reply many times to an angry or frustrated manager, unable to understand the reason for the words or behavior of a team member, (or even his/her own child.)
This article is a little more personal than normal but knowing how my own personal story, often helps my clients, I hope that what I share here might be useful to people, I have not yet worked with.
Let me begin by saying that, for as long as I can remember, Conflict was a Constant in the household in which I grew up. One thing I noticed very early in my life, (I can recall painful incidences of this from the age of 4) was that people would ‘assume’ negative motives for other’s actions (including mine) - motives that I would have never even thought of, and that hurt me deeply. But what can you do as a four year old to defend yourself?
What has love got to do with your business or your job? What is WIFM and WIFY? (No it has nothing to do with access to the internet.) :-)
If there is something I have observed in my work and business life, it is that those who don’t love people, will never achieve long-term success. Why do I say that? I say it because everything we achieve must come through others. No matter how incredible our technical skills or how knowledgeable we are on our subject, ultimately our results will depend on the quality of our interactions with others.
Those who know me well, know that I speak a lot about the power of 'Appreciation' (gratitude for what we have) to improve our emotional health, and help us to 'keep going' being the best we can be, on this journey called life.
'Appreciation' is an energy force generated from within us.
However, yesterday, I was reminded of an even stronger power to enhance emotional health and motivate us to 'keep going'. It is the power of 'Being Appreciated'.
Yesterday, I asked a new client "Would a champion tennis player, decide he wanted to become a golf champion, and believe he could do so, using a tennis racket?"
"Of course not!", he answered.
It's true, that seems a ridiculous question to ask, because we could never imagine such a scenario. However, there is a 'Game' that many try to master, in which this scenario is a reality. People continue to use the tools and rules of the game they already know, and wonder why they can't master the new game.
For Those Who Want To Live Life Lightly
Step 1:
At the beginning of each day, imagine yourself sitting on the floor like a child, surrounded by gift packages of all different shapes and sizes. Exciting, no? :-)
Step 2: